Sunday, February 14, 2010

Black Butterfly

I decided I wanted to post a song for Valentine's Day then I realized that I hadn't yet acknowledged Black History Month. It must have slipped my mind due to being here among the majority and in a culture that, generally, doesn't recognize the month-long celebration. (Although some do take part.)

So I figured I'd chose a song that could both relay an uplifting message in line with Black History Month as well as relay a message of love, albeit not one of romance. Anyway, I think "Black Butterfly" by Deniece Williams gets the job done.


Shouts to all those associated with Les Meres et Debutantes Club of Greater Lansing's 2004 Cotillion!


  1. I love the song choice. You never cease to amaze me. This song is defintely "Old School", but very appropriate for current times.

  2. This is an interesting salute to Black History. I look forward to the day when there is no longer a need for Black History month since we should be reflected in every aspect of American history.
