Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This Too Shall Pass

Last night my roommate Gary and I moved to our place of residence for the next ten months only to find that living with the Kane's was a cakewalk. We walked into a place with concrete floors, no air conditioning, an open-air hallway, no generator if the power goes out, loud noises from the street and we are currently sleeping in the living room because the rainy season precipitation is too much for the roofs in what will be our bedrooms. I don't say all this to complain but just to give you an idea of the awakening that we had.
However, when examining these matters we came to the conclusion that many were tolerable and merely annoyances. Most importantly, we realized that many of our issues would lessen or disappear entirely in time. We can get rugs for the floors, the fans work just fine to keep us cool, once the rains stop the outdoor corridor will cease to be an issue, and when we move into our bedrooms we will be farther removed from the clatter of the street.
We've decided to take all of this in stride and look forward to tomorrow. Honestly, why complain about a once in a lifetime experience?


  1. Josh,

    Your song choice is so appropriate - so like you.


    P.S. Please check your email

  2. Almost took those annoyances in America for granted, huh? If I had a mist of mosquitos surrounding me on the daily, I'd freak out. I read Charlotte's blog, too. She talked about those malaria-heavy jawnts!

  3. You may be thinking to yourself, "these people are crazy to live like this!" Or that they are begging us to save them from their primitive lifestyle, but you know what, they are probably really happy. I remember going to my grandmother's house in the village and there was a section of her house where the floors were made of a clay like substance. Being young at the time I thought it was mud and looked down on the home. I remember asking my mother "does grandma know her floor is made of mud?" But what I failed to see at the time was that their love and hospitality towards one another did more for that house in making it a home than 2300 square feet of porcelain tiles could ever do. I'm glad you're able to look past the nuances and instead towards the growth you will experience there. I already see it shining through in your word choice and syntax... I'm not gonna lie the heat would have bothered me! lol but all jokes aside you learn to adapt.
